In Benposta, the children and young people take the opportunity once a month after various meetings ( whether general assembly, partial, by stages, district, among others) to light a candle. Its purpose is to pray for someone. Such actss serve so that they can realize the different situations that human beings go through and that need to be changed. For example, this day we try to ask for the well-being of families, for the welfare of the community, for the health of humanity, for the environment or even for themselves.
These acts that are generated in a space of respect and solidarity serve to, in a symbolic way, demonstrate the importance of existence. Through the passage from person to person of this candle, the anguishes, the worries, the desires, the objectives and the hopes that at some moment can be solved or faced in group are shared. All this to say that the spirituality and the importance that are carried out that day of each time strengthen the bonds of brotherhood that so much promotes our community.