In fulfillment of its institutional mandate, Benposta has developed projects and programs for 2019 to respond to the specific situation of children and adolescents who, due to various structural factors, the weak response of the government and the presence of armed actors, live in risk situations that affect their educational process and their very personal safety. These measures to protect attention are implemented through two modalities: protection in an institutional environment for those cases that urgently need to leave their regions of origin temporarily, and prevention in a community environment, children, young people and their families being supported and accompanied in the areas. For those who are accommodated as boarders in one of its educational centers, Benposta covers all the costs of their stay, meals, health, schooling (primary and secondary), psychosocial care and, in some cases, support for technical and university training. Support measures in the community environment include conditioned educational-humanitarian support; recreational-cultural activities; building a protective environment with the participation of educational centers, parents and social organizations; psychosocial support; sanitary facilities, among other components aimed at making the lives of children, young people and their families humane. For the development of the individual programs, Benposta counts on the solidary support of international cooperation, formalized by agreements, and in 2019 on the solidary support of the European Union and European cooperation organizations (Misereor, Diakonie, ifa Zivik, KinderMisionsWerk, Freundeskreis Benposta, Terre des Hommes-Germany, UNHCR, USAID and the German Foreign Office). Benposta has offices and regional coordination teams in Meta, Córdoba and Bogotá and has implemented support projects in 2019 - with a permanent presence in Catatumbo, Buenaventura, Meta, Guaviare, Córdoba, Arauca and the city of Bogotá, with direct coverage of over 7,000 direct beneficiaries. Some of these projects have been approved by the Colombian Institute for Family Welfare for the application of Article 96 of Law 788 of 2002, which declares the actions "of common benefit" and therefore exempts them from fees, taxes and contributions.In Übereinstimmung mit den Bestimmungen der Kooperationsabkommen werden die zugewiesenen Mittel auf Girokonten zur ausschließlichen Verwendung hinterlegt und unterliegen der Kontrolle der externen Rechnungsprüfung. Benposta understands solidarity cooperation as the restitution of violated rights and represents an explicit option for a just and tolerant society based on a social development policy that includes us all under equal conditions, where children are not "rich", "poor", "on the street", "abandoned", "displaced" ... but only boys and girls.